Priestesses and Queens of Avalon in King Arthur's age - Sarah Perini - Edizioni Ester

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Titolo: Priestesses and Queens of Avalon in King Arthur's age
Autore: Sarah Perini
ISBN: 9788890264535; Pagine: 208
Formato: brossura cm 15x21; Illustrazioni: b/n
Casa Editrice ESTER | June 2014

Prezzo: € 20,00  - Collana Altra Conoscenza
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Descrizione: The mythology of Ancient Europe and Celtic people, reveals the great importance of women role in ancient civilisations, and the respect of the masculine and feminine members of the society. In Arthurian Literature we also meet powerful women who embodies spiritual and social power, these power derives from the Great Goddess and permeate all community. Magic, prophecy, learning, inspiration, arts and crafts, social rules, medicine were domains of priestess and queens. These women were the guide of their people and they guaranteed the fertility of the Earth and the unity of population.

Autore: SARAH PERINI, graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures at Turin University, master in history and antropology, has successively participated in master classes and seminars of anthropological topic, deepening the problem of gender (gender studies). For ten years working in the field of spirituality and in publishing houses. He completed her training through contact and learning practices proposed by researchers and spiritual teachers internationally recognized on the topics of the Sacred Feminine. She attended seminars at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple in England. Author, researcher and counselor lives and works in Turin.

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